.Welcome to Poplar Primary School 
A very warm welcome to the Poplar Primary School website. I am very proud to be the Head Teacher of this wonderful inclusive community Primary School. As a parent myself, I know that choosing the right school for our children is a really important decision. Children have been attending Poplar Primary School for over 90 years and we continue to foster a joy of learning which will say with them for life. Poplar Primary has long been highly regarded in the local area and it remains so as a popular school today. Our grounds are large and include a multi-sports court, three sports courts, a scooter park, a woodland, allotments, a large field, a trim trail for the older children, a playground for the younger children, a pirate ship, a climbing wall and two Early Years playgrounds. We are fortunate that we can also use Mostyn Gardens, and Old Ruts host our Key Stage Two Sports Day and our Year 5/6 Ashes Cricket Day.
At Poplar we want all of our children to reach their full potential both academically and socially in a safe and caring environment. Our motto at Poplar Primary School is Ready, Respectful and Safe. As a staff team we are extremely proud of our children and proud that they are well-rounded, happy children who have had the very best start to their academic careers. Our results are consistently high across the board from the EYFS to Year 6, in July 2024 we were Significantly Above Average in Phonics, KS2 Reading, KS2 Maths, KS2 Grammar and Above National in our Writing. As a school we are fortunate to excel in our sporting achievements and the children receive many different music opportunities. We work closely with the Merton Schools Sports Partnership and Merton Music Foundation. In July 2024, we won the Refspect award for the second year in a row as the school who have shown the most respect during MSSP tournaments and competitions across an academic year. Year 6 attended the Junior Citizens programme for Merton Schools in June 2024 and we were awarded both the Behaviour Award and Engagement Award by the programme officers. Muisc is a huge part of the school and it is taught by our teachers, Mr Igor from MMF and peripatetic teachers. Last academic year we took part in the Young Voices Concert at the 02. We hold many concerts for parents throughout the year, have weekly singing assembly and celebrate Musician of the Month. School trips run every term, in each year group, to enhance the learning outside of the classroom. Year 5 go to Ironbridge on a residential in the spring term as a part of their Victorian learning and Year 6 go camping in the Ashdown Forest in the summer term. We are the link school for the National Trust in Morden Hall Park and our year groups are often to be found in the park widening their learning opportunities or having bespoke learning from the team at the park in school. Children can hold many different roles at Poplar including being an Eco-Rep, a School Council Member, a House Captain, a Reading Champion, a Digital Leader, tending the allotment and Members of the Merton Pupil Parliament. Our children are well supported in all areas and we have many Learning Mentors, a School Counsellor from Off the Record who comes every Monday, ELSAs, a TAMHs support worker, a Family Liaison Officer, a Therapy Dog called Rocky and the children also have access to Drama Therapists.
Prospective parents often say that they are visiting because of recommendations from friends and neighbours. They also comment on the warm, welcoming and calm atmosphere in the school and the children’s good behaviour, friendliness and the sense of belonging that is shared by all. We benefit from committed, experienced staff, who work well together to ensure Poplar’s continued success. At the end of their Primary School journey, our children leave us to continue their educational journey to Secondary schools including Rutlish, Ricards Lodge, Ursuline, Harris Academy Schools, Raynes Park High, Tiffin School for Boys, Tiffin Girls' School, Wallington County Grammar School, Nonsuch Girls, Whitgift, Wilsons and St Cecilia's. I am delighted by your interest in Poplar Primary School and I encourage you to come and see the school in action, to enable you to experience for yourself what we have to offer your child and family. You can find out more about booking a tour here.
Elaine Spick - Headteacher
Ofsted Inspection - November 2024
The school provides a broad and enriched education. This begins in the early years, where secure foundations are built. Pupils make strong progress through the curriculum and often achieve very well. This is because the school has high ambitions for all pupils.
Pupils follow an ambitious curriculum. Books are the backbone of the curriculum
Pupils take an active role in the school community.
The school strengthens its educational offer through an innovative outdoor curriculum.
The school works well with families. Parents and carers speak of the nuturing environment and warm pastoral care provided to their children.
- . Friday Flyer
- .Parent View.
- .Term Dates.
- .MyUSO.