Standards Achieved at Foundation Stage, Key Stages 1 and 2
The information below shows you how Poplar School performed at Foundation stage, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 this year.
In Foundation Stage children are assessed against the 'Early Learning Goals' (ELG).
In Key stage 1 the children are judged to be either 'working at the expected standard' or 'working at greater depth' and we have reported below the percentage of children that meet this standard.
At Key stage 2, children are given a scaled score for the tests in Reading, Maths and Spelling and Grammar. They are then judged to be 'working at expected standard' if their score is 100 or above. Children 'working at greater depth' will have achieved a scaled score of 110 or more.
In Summer 2023, children in Year 6 took the national Key Stage 2 tests, Year 2 took the national Key Stage 1 tests, Year 1 took the phonics screening check and the EYFS were assessed against the Early Learning Goals.
Reading, writing and mathematics
This table shows the proportion of children who achieved the expected standard in all three subjects: reading, writing and mathematics and combined.
Progress Data
We re extremely proud of our progress data in KS2 2023;
Maths - Well Above average
Reading - Above Average
Writing - Average
Pupils achieveing the expected in reading, maths and writing 66% - National was 60%
Pupils achieving higher standard in reading, writing and maths was 14% - Natiaonal was 8%
Average Score
Reading 108 - National 105
Maths 109 - National 104
Detail published by the Deartment of Education
By following these links you can see the more detail about standards achieved by Poplar pupils at the end of key stages 1 and 2 and compare them to national outcomes.
School data on the Department for Education's website
This site gives information about:
- the school,
- our SAT results,
- comparisons between our results and those for the Local Authority and for the whole of England,
- how well we are doing at raising our children's achievement,
- our attendance rates,
- how we spend our money,
- our staffing,
- Our last Ofsted inspection.