Outdoor Learning at Poplar

At Poplar we are fortunate to have large grounds with many different areas within them. We use the school grounds as an extension to the classrooms and in all Year groups the children will have some of their lessons planned in the school grounds not simply PE. At Poplar we are extremely lucky to have such large grounds which can support the children’s learning. 


Areas within the grounds;

  • Scooter Park
  • Science Garden
  • 3 Netball courts
  • Multi-sports court
  • Outdoor learning area
  • Woodland area with pond and clearings (Nature Zone)
  • Allotment area
  • Pirate ship
  • Quad area with Maths playground markings
  • Large field
  • Climbing wall
  • Louise’s Garden
  • Year 2 outdoor Learning courtyard
  • Atrium outdoor Learning space
  • Reception Playground
  • Nursery Playground


In September 2021, all of the Teachers and some of the Teaching Assistants had a bespoke outdoor learning course on how to use our outdoor environment at school in different subject areas. The company came and trained the teachers for a full INSET day. The company we used are SOLD (Surrey Outdoor and Learning Development). The company have been in prior to the training to map the site and ensure that the training was bespoke for Poplar, they will also return throughout the academic year to work with all of the year groups. SOLD will ensure that the outdoor learning we offer at Poplar will become embedded, progressive and curriculum linked – SDP 2021/22.

We chose this training rather than other approaches to using the outdoor areas and woods because all class teachers could be trained at the same time to ensure a whole school approach. The teachers had training for their age ranges and they trained together, which will help when it comes to planning for their year groups.

The company will then be returning throughout the year to offer further advice and work with the classes.

Mrs Baxter leads the Outdoor Learning team at Poplar and is supported by Ms Dempsey, Miss Reynolds and Mr Edwards.

We also use outdoor spaces nearby for learning. The children will at times use Mostyn Gardens and the National Trust Park at Morden Hall.