
Children wear school uniform in our school colours which are green and yellow.
Following consultation with our parents, we have changed the amount of items which have the school logo.
The only items with a logo are the school jumper/cardigan and the book bag for Nursery to Year 4.
As an ECO Green Flag School we are committed to recycling, which includes our uniform. The PTA hold regular second hand uniform sales.
If you are struggling with the cost of uniform, please speak to Mrs Foxen, our Family Liaison Officer (FLO) who will be able to help you.
- Yellow Polo
- Green Sweatshirt or Cardigan (with school logo)
- Grey trousers/skirt or pinafore dress
- Grey/white socks or grey tights
- Black school shoes (no slip ons or trainers).
During the summer the children may also wear:
- Grey trouser shorts (not cargo shorts)
- dresses
- White tights/socks
For PE children will wear
- yellow t-shirt
- plain black shorts
- trainers
During the colder weather they may wear plain black track suit bottoms or plain black leggings on top of their PE kit. Branded PE clothing should not be worn in school.
For safety reasons jewellery is not allowed apart from small silver or gold stud earrings which must be removed during PE sessions. Hair which is shoulder length or longer must also be tied back for safety reasons with the use of either green or yellow hairbands or small scrunchies. Shorter hair can be secured with green or yellow alice bands but no other hair accessories are permitted (i.e flowers, beads etc).
Children are not permitted to wear nail polish.
Please ensure that all items of uniform are named – including plimsolls, footwear and coats. Named items are returned to the owner. We hold any unnamed items for a week to ensure children have a chance to claim lost items. After a week the items are given to the PTA for their second hand sale.
Please note the school uniform without logos can be purchased in supermarkets etc...
The items with logos can be purchased from Mapac Ltd - details below. They also stock the wider uniform.
School uniform is available by order from Mapac Ltd
Online: Mapac online
Telephone: 01923 255525
For sizing purposes samples are available to view at the school office
Our PTA holds a second hand uniform stall on school premises most Fridays after school. You are able to purchase items for £1 including shoes, hats and book bags. For more information visit the facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/friendsofpoplarprimary/ |