Poplar Primary School  Home / School Agreement



The Parents/Carers

I / We will:

  • Make sure my child arrives at and is collected from school on time.
  • Make sure my child attends regularly.
  • Inform the school of the reason for absence on the first day that he / she is away.
  • Ensure that my child wears full school uniform.
  • Support school policies and behavior guidelines.
  • Attend Parent Evenings and discussions about my child’s progress.
  • Support my child with reading and help with homework, where a homework policy is agreed for my child’s year group.

The School

We will:

  • Provide a broad and balanced curriculum to match the needs of individual pupils.
  • Encourage children to do their best at all times.
  • Keep parents involved about school events.
  • Provide a safe and caring environment.
  • Aim for the highest standards of work and behavior.
  • Inform parents of their child’s progress at regular meetings at least once a term.
  • Inform parents about any concerns or problems that affect their child.
  • Encourage children to take care of each other and their surroundings.
  • Set and monitor homework which is appropriate for the child’s year group.
  • Develop pupil understanding of how to value and respect different cultures within the school and within the community.

The Pupils

I will:

  • Try to do my best at all times.
  • Follow the class charters and respect the school values.
  • Complete homework whenever it is set
  • Take good care of the equipment, building and the environment of the school.
  • Be polite and helpful to others.
  • Not bring toys, phones or play things of any kind to school without the permission of my parents/class teacher.
  • Wear the correct school uniform.

Pupil Name:………………………………………..                           

Elaine Spick

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Elaine Spick                                                        Parent/Carer                                                       Date