House System

As part of our rewards system, we use house points. On arrival at Poplar, children are put into houses:  Lions, Tigers, Jaguars and Leopards. We keep children from the same families in the same house. House points can be awarded by all staff for good work, good behaviour, kindness, being polite, showing good manners etc. Each week the points are added up and the winning team is announced in assembly, and also put in the Friday Flyer.

At the end of each term, the team who has won for the most weeks is awarded the House Cup.

At sports day, children compete in their houses, in their house colour.


Meet our House captains 

 We are grateful to the children below, who are this year's House Captains.

 Alex, Frankie, Faris, Faith, Carla, Sidney, Sofia, Elton, Elif, Muhammad, Mariam, Jacob

They were voted for by the staff at Poplar. They do a tremendous job around the school. Assisting in assemblies with AABA afternoons, collecting house points, distributing certificates weekly, collections for charities, assisting on Parents evening and many more things. 

We are extremely proud of them all.