School improvement

Poplar Primary school

Development Priorities



Reading across the school including review of the Little Wandle Reading Scheme and Early Phonics


As part of the Little Wandle Scheme, Nursery to begin the new scheme – Foundations for a Love of Reading


To continue to ensure consistency and fidelity to the scheme across the year groups and school


To audit guided reading across Key Stage Two


 Maintain high profile of reading/reading for pleasure across the school (including parental involvement).


To identify children not achieving the expected progress in reading, implementing focus groups and interventions as needed.



To develop Oracy across the school


To create a shared understanding of oracy and how it is taught at Poplar Primary School

To create opportunities to develop oracy skills outside of lesson times

To ensure that oracy-based learning is inclusive for SEND pupils and reluctant speakers

To develop an oracy-based approach to vocabulary development.



Enhancing the pupils’ knowledge of the local area


To upskill the children’s knowledge of the area in which they live and learn, by ensuring that all year groups have the opportunity to explore a unit of work based on our locality giving the children opportunities to learn more and have the opportunity to use skills in real life e.g. mapping skills.


Develop and maintain strong links with the wider community e.g. Merton Heritage site, Wimbledon Museum, Merton archives and continue our associated school link with Morden Hall Park.


Subject leads to review their curriculum to ensure opportunities to link history and geography topics to the local area e.g. Victorians and William Morris.


To ensure parents are actively involved in the units of work and they share their own expertise about living, working and growing up in the locality.